Dar> Prodotti> Moccasins tat-trabi> Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes

Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes

$8.35300-599 Pair

$8.03600-999 Pair


Tip ta 'Ħlas:L/C,T/T,Paypal
Shoes US size:
Attributi tal-Prodott

Mudell Nru.PB1020

BrandTarbija Happy

Post Tal-oriġiniIċ-Ċina

Materjal Tal-midsoleEVA

StaġunXitwa, Sajf, Ir-Rebbiegħa, Ħarifa


Materjal Ta 'barraġilda ġenwina

Materjal Ta 'fuqġilda ġenwina

Materjal Tal-kisiġilda ġenwina

Karatteristiċi Tal-prodottXejra tal-Moda, Piż Ħafif, Nifs, Kontra ż-Żlieq

QualityHigh Quality


Isem tal-ProdottBaby Moccasin

Age Group0-24 months

LogoPrinting logo/embossing logo

Imballaġġpoly bag/cloth bag/boxes

ServiceOEM/ODM Service

ShippmentFedx/UPS/TNT/DHL etc

FunctionSoft and Comfortable

DesignTassel Shoes

Ippakkjar u Kunsinna
Unitajiet tal-Bejgħ : Pair
Tip ta' Pakkett : Boroż poli jew ippakkjar personalizzati.
Eżempju ta' l-Istampa :
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Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Designer Best selling First Walker Baby Shoes How to choose a Fancy Baby Shoes for your baby, this should be a question that many people will consider when choosing a product. I believe Baby Soft Leather Shoes with stylish quality and guaranteed are the best for babies. Our company's Cute Fancy Baby Moccasins are very suitable for babies to wear, the leather is genuine leather, environmentally friendly and soft, and the outsole is also genuine leather, which is also a very soft leather,...
Dar> Prodotti> Moccasins tat-trabi> Disinjatur Best Bejgħ Ewwel Walker Baby Shoes
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