Dar> Prodotti> Żraben tal-ġilda artab tarbija> Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker

Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker


Tip ta 'Ħlas:L/C,T/T,Paypal
Min. Ordni:500 Pair
Shoes US size:
Attributi tal-Prodott

Mudell Nru.DA5A5621

BrandTarbija Happy

Post Tal-oriġiniIċ-Ċina

Materjal Tal-midsolePu

StaġunSajf, Ir-Rebbiegħa, Ħarifa

StilŻraben tal-Mixi

Materjal Ta 'barraġilda ġenwina

Materjal Ta 'fuqġilda ġenwina

Materjal Tal-kisiPu

Karatteristiċi Tal-prodottPiż Ħafif

Isem tal-ProdottBaby Causal Shoes

Imballaġġpoly bag/cloth bag/boxes

Age Group0-24 months baby

ServiceOEM/ODM Service

Logoprinting logo/embossing logo

Ippakkjar u Kunsinna
Unitajiet tal-Bejgħ : Pair
Tip ta' Pakkett : Boroż poli jew ippakkjar personalizzati.
Eżempju ta' l-Istampa :
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Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Baby Soft Leather Pre Walker Shoes This is a very cute baby shoes we sell. Sheepskin can be used to make uppers. Sheepskin is very soft, very breathable and comfortable. It can also be made of other genuine leather, which is very environmentally friendly. You can use printed leather to make casual leather shoes, you can choose your favorite pattern or your logo to make. The design of the shoe mouth is matched with elastic bands, which can adjust the size of the shoe mouth. Your baby can wear...
Dar> Prodotti> Żraben tal-ġilda artab tarbija> Baby Soft Ġilda Pre Shoes Walker
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